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Jurgita.cc offers professional career planning services for models. At this site you may create a composite card, also known as index card or zed. Composite cards are vital business cards for models. Composite card may be your one and only opportunity to make a good impression.

Index card is basically a model’s headshot with her name typeset on the photo and the back which has a series of photos featuring the model in different photographic styles. It also includes models stats such as height, bust, waist, hips, shoes, hair and eyes and the contact information for the agency the model is signed to. Composite cards are essential in modeling career, therefore no matter you are with or not with an agency, it‘s a must for every model to have it. Having your card at Jurgita.cc may be a huge step in your career.

Jurgita.cc is maintained by JSC "Elektroniniai sprendimai" and Supermodels model management Lithuania, which is also publishing an online modeling magazine at Jurgita.com.

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